Archkhamism With Two X

Archkhamism With Two X
Archkhamism With Two X

Each time leaves a memory of itself. Architecture is one of the forms of expression of its content. From time immemorial, architects understood the involvement of their creativity in eternity. Each time has its own classics. My generation came to architecture at the end of the Stalinist regime. Within the walls of the Moscow Architectural Institute, we learned the lessons of the classical school and ourselves managed to build structures bearing its features.

And then came the time of the "thaw", which turned architecture 180 degrees, requiring a decisive renewal of professional consciousness, in which we relied on Western experience and the heritage of our avant-garde. My generation, together with senior masters, created a new direction, now called Soviet modernism. It was an exciting job, which we gave ourselves with true inspiration and awareness of our professional duty. I will say more, it was not an easy, but creatively very meaningful time. It left worthy objects in every republic of the country and this contribution to the worldwide modernist movement has received wide international recognition.

But the years pass and the buildings are aging, in need of reconstruction, renovation, in accordance with the new requirements of operation. And then problems arise. It would be necessary to take advantage of the European experience in the restoration of modernist objects. However, the new time with its new values, in which commerce, profit, loot dominate, gives rise to a new type of customer, contractor and architect, for whom there is nothing sacred. Rudeness is becoming a normal form of communication between people. Manifestations of such behavior in our professional activities, I call archaism with two H. Its victims are buildings that are monuments of architecture or worthy of becoming one. Here are some examples of significant objects that have become examples of boorish "modernization".

Санаторий «Россия» в Сочи. Арх. Ю. Шварцбрейм, Д. Лурье, М. Стужин, М. Шульмейстер. 1965 г. Так было / так стало: ФСГ ЦентрСтрой, проект реконструкции корпуса Приморский. Реализован.
Санаторий «Россия» в Сочи. Арх. Ю. Шварцбрейм, Д. Лурье, М. Стужин, М. Шульмейстер. 1965 г. Так было / так стало: ФСГ ЦентрСтрой, проект реконструкции корпуса Приморский. Реализован.
Дворец им. Ленина. Алма-Ата. Арх. Н. Рипинский, Л. Ухоботов, Ю. Ратушный, В. Ким, В. Алле. 1970 г. Так было / предоставлено Ф. Новиковым
Дворец им. Ленина. Алма-Ата. Арх. Н. Рипинский, Л. Ухоботов, Ю. Ратушный, В. Ким, В. Алле. 1970 г. Так было / предоставлено Ф. Новиковым

/ So it became. Palace of the Republic in Almaty, ex. Palace named after Lenin. Author unknown:

Жилой дом «Флейта» в Зеленограде. Арх. Ф. Новиков, И. Покровский, Г. Саевич. 1971 г. Так было / Так стало. 2015 г. Автор неизвестен. Проектирование, согласование и строительство велись без моего (Ф. Н.) ведома. Фотография Дениса Есакова / предоставлено Ф. Новиковым
Жилой дом «Флейта» в Зеленограде. Арх. Ф. Новиков, И. Покровский, Г. Саевич. 1971 г. Так было / Так стало. 2015 г. Автор неизвестен. Проектирование, согласование и строительство велись без моего (Ф. Н.) ведома. Фотография Дениса Есакова / предоставлено Ф. Новиковым

The hotel "Intourist" A. Shchusev in Baku and the library of the Academy of Sciences of Y. Belopolsky, E. Vulykh and L. Misozhnikov in Moscow burned down. The building of "Karakumstroy" of A. Akhmedov in Ashgabat and the complex of the Youth House of A. Tarkhanyan, S. Khachikyan and G. Poghosyan in Yerevan were demolished; the demolition threatens the building of the airport "Zvartnots" by the same authors.

A massive extermination of the Soviet architectural heritage is taking place throughout the territory of the former USSR. Louis Kahn said: "When designing a school, I look for the soul of the school, and not just the practical embodiment of the school." I agree with him that buildings have a soul. Not all of them, of course. But those that are spiritual shout SOS!

Today, at the Golden Section festival, a project to renovate the TASS building, the leading author of which is one of the brightest masters of Soviet modernism, People's Architect of the USSR, Viktor Yegerev, claims the highest Moscow prize. He is not with us today. But the project was made during the life of the author in secret from him and another living author Gennady Sirot. Is this not an example of archaism? The implementation of a project that decisively distorts the appearance of the building must be stopped!

This February marks the 40th anniversary of the commissioning of this facility. It is undoubtedly worthy of receiving the status of a monument protected by the state. Legal questions arise. Why was the design and approval carried out without the involvement of authors? If this "modernization" project has been approved, who has approved it? Was it a subject of consideration by the Moscow Architectural Council? And if not, does the chief architect of the city have the right to decide such issues on his own? And why the documents for the submission of the building for the status of a monument were not prepared by the special commission of the SA of the Russian Federation for the 40th anniversary of the object? Why was he not on the list of candidates?

Arkhamism is an intolerable phenomenon in our professional environment. This case is one of its forms. He should be given a proper rebuff.
