Died Alexander Vysokovsky

Died Alexander Vysokovsky
Died Alexander Vysokovsky

Video: Died Alexander Vysokovsky

Video: Died Alexander Vysokovsky
Video: Что стало с Максом из "Бригады"(Александр Высоковский) 2024, September

Alexander Vysokovsky was born in 1948 in Rostov-on-Don, in 1971 he graduated from the Rostov Civil Engineering Institute with a degree in “Architect”, later he specialized in urban planning. Author of seven books and more than sixty scientific papers in Russian, English and Swedish, and more than fifty projects, including strategic plans for the development of large cities in Russia; Alexander Vysokovsky worked on a development plan for Perm, participated in the introduction of legal zoning in Kyrgyzstan, in the last years of his life he worked a lot for the Moscow region. In 2011, together with Nadezhda Kosareva, he founded the Higher School of Urbanism at the Higher School of Economics.

He wrote and spoke about urban space long before it became fashionable.

We grieve together with colleagues and friends of Alexander Arkadyevich. Bright memory.

Irina Irbitskaya, architect, urbanist, director of the Center for Urban Development Competencies of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation:

“There were two of them - Glazychev and Vysokovsky. "The best" does not apply to them. They were the only ones. The only ones in a thousand Russian cities. At all

different and unique. There were no such people and there are no more.

We were left alone. There were two people at this level of comprehension of Russian life: Vyacheslav Leonidovich Glazychev and Alexander Arkadyevich Vysokovsky. There was one more person who for me was the standard of a person - an architect - Sergei Borisovich Kiselev, and he too was gone.

This is scary, because we are losing people of eras. Obviously, this is inevitable, but a deep existential question arises: who will stay here? There is no one to take their place, it is impossible to take the place of a man of the age.

And then pragmatic questions arise: what will happen to the Graduate School of Urban Studies? We know from the unbearable experience of the loss of V. L. Glazychev that not a single person is able to continue the work of Alexander Arkadyevich so as not to lose this valuable personal foundation. It is possible to preserve and continue its beginning only by uniting those on whom its reflection remained. The Graduate School of Urbanism needs to create a collegium of such people. The school should not remain in the hands of one, even the best professional."
