Sergey Kiselev Prize: To The History Of The Appearance Of The Symbol

Sergey Kiselev Prize: To The History Of The Appearance Of The Symbol
Sergey Kiselev Prize: To The History Of The Appearance Of The Symbol

“When the idea of the Kiselev Prize appeared, an internal competition was held in our workshop for the best solution of the award sign, in which many architects of our workshop participated,” recalls Vladimir Labutin. Here's how the author tells about it: “While developing my version, I tried to reflect in it the scale of the personality of Sergei Kiselev, the state of his soul. At some point, I remembered our common trip to Germany with him during the period of work on the Hermitage-Plaza project. At the end of the trip, we stopped in Berlin and visited the Sauerbruch Hatton bureau. After this visit, Sergei literally got fired up with the idea to build a multi-colored building in which the combination of colors will become the defining element of the architectural image. Several years later, this idea was implemented in the project of the Avangard residential building in Novye Cheryomushki. I worked with Sergei on many projects and I can say that Avangard is perhaps his favorite project. I decided that it was through this work that the character of Sergei's personality could be conveyed, and the material embodiment of the commemorative prize consisted of two components: the color composition - a fragment of the matrix of the Avangard house and the autograph of Sergei Kiselev superimposed on it. He was very fond of glass, and this material very accurately conveys the essence of his personality, holistic and clear, and the color is its versatility."

The award sign is a rectangle made of optical glass in A5 format.

On the one hand, a volumetric fragment of Sergei Kiselev's signature is superimposed on it, on the other - melted rectangles made of colored glass, reproducing in miniature those panels of green, yellow, blue, and red colors, with which the facade of "Vanguard" is faced.

Moscow artist Boris Tumov, one of the best Russian art glass masters, helped to bring Vladimir Labutin's idea to life.

“I would like the award sign to be simple, not pretentious, truly“Kiselevskim”,” the author of the award admits. And looking at the prize, laconic and at the same time so positive thanks to the chosen palette, you involuntarily agree - Vladimir Labutin succeeded.

It is no coincidence that the new award received the name "Reputation": for many years the motto of the workshop has been the wording of Sergei Kiselev "Reputation is the most valuable capital". Let us remind you that the first prize named after Sergei Kiselev "Reputation" was awarded within the framework of the International Architectural Festival "Zodchestvo - 2010" to the architectural bureau "Ostozhenka".
