When designing this summer residence, Powerhouse Company relied on the image of traditional Danish summer cottages - compact wooden houses in terms of maximum openness to the picturesque landscape that surrounds them. However, since the functional program was large enough, the architects had to combine several such houses in one project. And in order to minimize the building spot, these volumes are not simply assembled into one large house, but form a complex five-pointed composition, the center of which is the living room and the kitchen.
According to the authors of the project, such a solution will not only provide each family member (in the long term - a generation) with their own corner, but also ensure that all rooms in the house will receive unique views from the windows, as well as their own verandas. Moreover, the house is designed taking into account the passage of the sun - for example, the dormer window in the living room "catches" the bright midday light, directing it directly onto the dining table.
The architecture of this cottage also develops the theme of a traditional country house - each "wing" is a rectangular volume covered with a laconic gable roof. They look modern due to the large number of panoramic and dormer windows, as well as the chosen color scheme. Both the facades and the roof are painted black - the color of the shadows cast by the trees growing around, as the architects themselves explain. In the interiors, on the contrary, white dominates.