Artificial Stone And Products From Them: What Is It, Is It Expensive Or Not, Is It Worth Buying?

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Artificial Stone And Products From Them: What Is It, Is It Expensive Or Not, Is It Worth Buying?
Artificial Stone And Products From Them: What Is It, Is It Expensive Or Not, Is It Worth Buying?

Video: Artificial Stone And Products From Them: What Is It, Is It Expensive Or Not, Is It Worth Buying?

Video: Artificial Stone And Products From Them: What Is It, Is It Expensive Or Not, Is It Worth Buying?

About artificial stones

Since the mid-late 60s of the last century, scientific and technological progress has provided mankind with a new material that has become more and more often used today in everyday life - artificial acrylic stone. Artificial acrylic stone is a mixture of polymer resins containing dyes and various additives that form different colors and blotches, creating the effect of the appearance of granite or similar natural stones.


Artificial acrylic stone has a number of advantages over natural stones:

1) Free of pores, easy to clean, easy to clean and, as a result, completely hygienic. It can be applied (and is applied!) In medical institutions.

2) The cost of an artificial stone is several times (if not hundreds of times, in some cases!) Cheaper than a natural stone. The appearance is in no way inferior, and in many cases (thanks to a huge selection of shades, paints and inclusions) - it has a much larger set of variations in colors, shades and types of inclusions than natural stone.

3) Artificial acrylic stones are non-toxic. Chemically resistant to chemical environments that are found in everyday life, and therefore can be (and are used) in food production, canteens, cafes, pastry shops and other places related to public catering.

4) Artificial acrylic stone is a very frequent choice of a designer in interior design: these are kitchen countertops, window sills, bar counters, bathrooms, sinks, sinks, of course, interior elements of the most sophisticated form both as decoration and for functional purposes: shelves, unusual racks for hangers, decor.

Should you buy?

In our country, products made of artificial stone began to receive active development after the mid-90s. Now in the country, a fairly large number of medical institutions, banks, cafes, pharmacies, as well as private interiors contain elements of artificial stone. In the Siberian region, most often people order countertops, sinks, sinks made of artificial stone. The service life of countertops made of artificial stone is no different from the service life of countertops made of wood or plastic. The essential difference, however, between countertops made of artificial stone versus countertops made of plastic or wood (or natural stone) is that it surpasses them in hygiene parameters: there are no pores, there is nowhere to "hide" bacteria and food debris, which means there is nowhere for germs to multiply … The appearance, or rather the nobility and chicness of the product, significantly distinguishes them from their competitors from other materials.

The price of a countertop made of artificial stone compared to countertops made of chipboard or plastic is probably the only disadvantage it has: chipboard is much cheaper. But … if there is an opportunity to buy the best, then it is worth purchasing products made of artificial stone!

What to look for when ordering artificial stone products?

We suggest that you pay attention to the following points when ordering products made of artificial stone:

1. Availability of warranty and conditions of post-warranty service

2. Availability of certificates and approvals from manufacturers such as DuPont

3. The policy pursued by the company in cases of poor quality order execution

4. Number of work done (general experience of the company and average experience in production and average experience of assemblers)

5. When buying products made of artificial stone, do not rush to make quick decisions, make sure in all aspects! For example, it can be very important to make sure that the color and shade of the stone you choose will look exactly as you expect in the lighting you have in place. Usually the designer should know this. Make sure he is working with this particular lighting and knows exactly the colors of the stones!

How does the process of purchasing artificial stone products usually look like?

Most often, the process of acquiring countertops, window sills, bar counters, sinks, sinks and other artificial stone products looks like this:

1) A measurer comes to you and measures the room (or place) where the installation of the artificial stone product will be made

2) The color and the manufacturer of the artificial stone are agreed with you (there are about a dozen of them, the difference is usually in the offered colors of stones)

3) The order goes into production and (depending on the complexity) you expect it to be manufactured. After the manufacture of the product, installers come to you and (again, depending on the complexity and number of products), they install it on time.

There are a large number of enterprises on the market that carry out the installation of artificial stone products. However, there are usually not many enterprises on the market that have their own production workshops, where the products themselves are created.

One of these enterprises is Korian-Siberia. We invite you to familiarize yourself with their artificial stone products. Distinctive features of this enterprise are: 1) accurate production of products on time

2) Huge experience and professionalism

3) Competitive prices for artificial stone and quartz agglomerate products

4) Unique offers and seasonal promotions

5) the wide range of interior designers they work with

Artificial acrylic stone is an excellent, modern interior solution! With it, your interior will delight the eye and at the same time serve for a long time!
