Once Again About The General Plan-2025

Once Again About The General Plan-2025
Once Again About The General Plan-2025

Video: Once Again About The General Plan-2025

Video: Once Again About The General Plan-2025
Video: ESA Agenda 2025 Media Briefing 2024, October

The need for a new general plan has matured along with tangible changes in the socio-economic situation in Moscow. The previous master plan of the capital was created in the early 1990s (adopted in 1999, approved by law in 2005), when the country's weak economy needed investments - therefore, the main task of that master plan was to maximize the city for Western investors and lure them here at any cost … Today, as Oleg Baevsky, Deputy Director General of the Research and Development Institute of the General Plan of Moscow, noted, we no longer need their money, and, in addition, the weak social protection of the population has become the flip side of the investment boom. As a result, the authors of the current general plan faced somewhat different tasks, Baevsky briefly defined them as follows: the preservation of historical zones, ecology, the availability of housing, the reliability of the functioning of the city's engineering system.

Oleg Baevsky - Deputy Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Research and Design Institute of the General Plan of the City of Moscow", head of the scientific and project association of territorial planning, one of the authors of the current General Plan of the capital and the General Scheme of Urban Zoning of the City of Moscow, Corresponding Member of the International Academy architecture, Honored Architect of Russia, Honorary Builder of Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute in 1978. Since 1975 he has been working at the Research and Development Institute of the General Plan of the city of Moscow.

A well-known feature of Moscow is that, as a subject of the federation, it is located in the body of another subject - the Moscow region, and therefore it can expand territorially only up to a certain limit. In this regard, the new master plan focuses on the release of the internal reserves of the city - at least 10 thousand hectares - and their reorganization. Such a reserve, for example, is production territories. True, not all of them will be "retrained", some will nevertheless retain the basic enterprises connected with science, although they will be developed at a fundamentally different, innovative level - business incubators and technoparks.

Another example of a qualitative approach to urban planning is natural areas. According to Oleg Baevsky, the city will not increase their volume, however, all attention will be focused on improving landscaping and landscaping in order to introduce a maximum of natural zones into the recreational fund, in other words, to have not only a source of oxygen, but also a place of rest.

Another new point in the updated general plan is the protection of not just individual monuments or streets, but the historically formed panoramas of the city as a whole, which in the current situation with a special passion for high-rise construction is really necessary. So new objects will be checked even more carefully for fitting into the context, and on occasion, their silhouettes will be mercilessly corrected. The so-called "territories of sights" are expanding beyond the Garden Ring - now they will include objects of Stalin's development, which so far do not have the status of monuments.

Recalling the recent press conference by Alexander Kuzmin, dedicated to the "five-year plan" of social construction in the city, Oleg Baevsky also noted the rates of growth of social infrastructure, unusual for Moscow, planned for the coming years. In this respect, the new master plan is a kind of antipode to the previous one. Baevsky emphasized the creation of the so-called territories of public centers - with a high recreational potential, adjacent to highways and the preservation of the system of open public spaces, which, in his opinion, is much more important than high-rise construction.

What we have exceeded the tasks of the previous general plan is in the volume of housing construction, having surpassed the indicators by as much as 10 times. But the faster we build, the faster the existing housing stock is aging. Oleg Baevsky stressed that if the previous master plan focused on reconstruction, superstructure, building and redevelopment, then in the current version the main point will be renewal. If we do not begin to lead the advanced replacement of the housing stock now, including a large percentage of overhaul, then by 2025 the share of housing in a worn-out condition will become such that no construction industry will solve this problem. Therefore, in the nearest plans of the Moscow government - 18 million square meters. m. replacement and 8.7 million square meters. m. housing reconstruction. Demolition volumes are also increasing, and, as many already know, 9- and 12-storey buildings are already next in line. Before others, it is necessary to prepare for a move or overhaul for those whose 5, 9 and 12-storey panel houses are located on areas adjacent to major transport arteries and public centers.

The reconstruction of the Moscow villages, which are still within the city limits, will also continue. In place of those that will be demolished, multi-storey housing will be built, and, as they promise, social housing, and those that remain will be additionally built up with low-rise cottage-type houses for large families.

If square meters of housing in recent years have grown by leaps and bounds, then the transport system is clearly lagging behind them, the results of which we feel every day in today's endless traffic jams and a crowded metro. True, the future for motorists, most likely, will change little, as Oleg Baevsky noted, no rate of growth of the transport network will be able to overtake the growth of motorization, so the priority will be given to the development of public transport. A lot of people will soon have to change from their personal cars to buses, trolleybuses and metro, which, as planned, will carry out up to 65 - 75% of all traffic. The updated master plan envisages completing the radial structure of the metro, simultaneously laying down new types of high-speed off-street transport. And also in urban planning plans - the modernization of railways and adjacent territories. What used to be backyards will become the face of the city, as happened with the Berlin Wall, and will turn into a network of transport hubs and community centers.

Automobile traffic, of course, also needs to be saved from overload: in the new general plan - the closure of the Fourth Transport Ring and the construction of alternatives for radial highways, such as Kutuzovsky Prospect. Oleg Baevsky also mentioned two new large chord lines - the northern and southern roads. Naturally, all these innovations will take into account the existing urban planning priorities of previous years, such as the predominant development of representative functions in the southwest and ecological functions in the northeast, where the largest green area, Losiny Ostrov, is located.

The current work on updating the general plan is dictated, among other things, by a change in the legislative framework. This time, local adjustments will no longer be possible - with the advent of the town planning code of the Russian Federation, which was discussed in detail at the round table by Moscow City Duma deputy M. Moskvin-Tarkhanov, all the documentation accompanying the general plan has changed. In favorable circumstances, in his opinion, the bill on the new general plan should be approved by the end of this year.

So, the general plan has been actively discussed for about six months. In his main theses, he seems to be downright iridescent, socially oriented, superbly wonderful. Some things are obviously good: for example, the city's statement that construction under social programs will be funded by the municipal budget can only be welcomed. The main thing is that the budget allocated for this is sufficient in each case. Relocate every 5th apartment? Impressive too. Panorama protection? Just great! Only how can these new apartments be built if the panoramas are preserved? However, everything is probably thought out. And it sounds beautiful. It remains to see what happens.
